
Online Wills Debate

Online Wills…

I enjoyed an interesting evening at the Wills & Probate Summit from Today’s Wills & Probate at the end of February. The format was unusual in that dinner and drinks came before the serious debate, which made for a lively exchange of views!

The hottest topic was online Wills and the room was divided between technologists advocating the expectation today that Wills should be made online and lawyers who worried that a pure online process cannot cover all of the […]

Legal Access Challenge

The elevator pitch vs the four minute pitch

By Martin Langan:

You’ve heard of the elevator pitch, explaining your business, product or service in the minute or so it takes your lift to take you up a few floors, well how about the four minute pitch?

Does that sound easier than the elevator pitch? Well, having tried it last Friday evening I’m not so sure. All presenters at Legal Access Challenge at Hogan Lovells in London that evening […]

Future of conveyancing

Challenges and opportunities for the future of Conveyancing

By Martin Langan

I attended an interesting morning in Leeds last Wednesday (5th February 2020) with lawyers and technologists discussing challenges and opportunities for the future of Conveyancing, sponsored by Modern Law Magazine.

There was rightly much talk about efficiency and client service. My own take on this is that client experience is becoming the big differentiator. Our clients expect us to be speedy and they expect to be kept informed, but does their experience match up with that encountered […]

Innovation Martlesham

Legal Workflow joins Innovation Martlesham…

3rd February 2020, Chichester: Legal Workflow is delighted to announce membership of Innovation Martlesham, an established cluster of high-tech ICT companies located at Adastral Park, Suffolk, home of BT’s national operation centre, test facilities and global Research and Development Unit.

Besides being home to a diverse range of large, medium and small companies, Innovation Martlesham is a ‘collaborative ecosystem’ for technology companies. It provides physical office accommodation and a Business club to support the demand from businesses and hosts networking […]

Solicitors Regulation Authority

Solicitors Regulation Authority – recent round table discussion. An overview by Martin Langan…

The Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) regulate solicitors and law firms across England and Wales.

This group discussion on 16 January 2020 was to consider the SRA priorities over the next few years, alongside their corporate strategy. Along with a sharp focus on high professional standards, they are looking at doing more to work with others to address complex, cross-sector problems of consumer protection.

Building on the work of the Legal Access Challenge, SRA are particularly interested in the development of legal […]

Chatbots for law firms

What can chatbots do for law firms?

Well quite a lot actually! They’re getting more and more sophisticated.

In this article, we look at what’s available now and peek into the not too distant future of what chatbots can do for law firms.

Using chatbots in your law firm: “How can I help you?”

Consider what happens when online shopping for a new pair of trainers. Would you rather scroll through pages of options, only to find the pair you like don’t come in your size or are […]

Predictions for 2020

What does 2020 hold for your law firm?

In this article we look at some of the predictions and analysis from analyst, accountancy and consumer organisations, and a legal visionary.


Gartner expects that IT spending in EMEA will begin to recover in 2020 after three consecutive years of decline. During 2019 we suffered a period when local prices rose for technology hardware due to the unfavourable exchange rate between the British Pound and the US Dollar.

Is your law firm in a good place with regards to […]

Legal Workflow joins LSSA

Legal Workflow joins the biggest ever membership of Legal Software Suppliers Association (LSSA)

Legal Workflow are pleased to announce we have joined LSSA, the trade organisation for the legal technology industry. We join three other new members – GlobalX, Moneypenny and Yourkeys.

LSSA Chair, Craig Matthews comments: “We welcome these four exciting companies to the LSSA. The number of full members of the LSSA is now at a record high 26 companies. This growth shows the association’s relevancy and attractiveness to legal tech companies. The LSSA is going from strength to strength and […]

Chatbot answers questions on Wills

It’s live! Chatbot to support online services for Wills…

We’re now featuring a chatbot tool on a Legal Workflow client’s website that is always available to answer their clients’ questions on Wills – by typing them in or speaking to the chatbot. Not only that but it will provide leads back to the client… 
How does that work?
Take a look at the demo below. See how a prospective client can either type in or ask a spoken question – or series of questions – online and how the chatbot answers. […]

What is a legal chatbot?

What is a chatbot and where would I use a chatbot in my legal firm?

A chatbot is quite simply a computer programme or an Artificial Intelligence which conducts a conversation via “auditory” or “textual” methods online. It may simply be scanning for words it recognises in the question you type into your browser or phone. Chatbots typically pop up on websites asking if they can help you.

The simplest versions will help visitors find something on your website. So a visitor tells it, in their own words, what they are looking for and it […]

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